By Robin Gibson If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world. -- J. R. R. Tolkien One thing is certain, Williams Sonoma must have understood what Tolkien meant at their Chefs' Collective Pop-Up held recently on King Street in Charleston. The event which happened during the 2017 Charleston Wine and Food Festival did not disappoint anyone in attendance. What do you get when you add a DJ to a retail space and mix it with chefs, bartenders, and guests? A party and we're glad they did. Cheers! We love a good party especially in a retail store. When's the last time you partied somewhere unexpected?
Tell us! We'd love to hear your adventures.
By Robin Gibson The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper. -- William Butler Yeats Kellar O'Neil, aka "The Southern Charmer" and "Mystifier of the Finest Affairs", is a magician and storyteller who has perfected the art of illusion with a devilish grin. Recently, he invited us to check out his show at The Palmetto Crescent Parlour, and we were delighted to take him up on the offer. Tucked away in a corner of Charleston, he performs in an intimate setting thus ensuring audience engagement. Our pictures offer a glimpse of the evening, and what one can expect from a magical night on the town. Folks looking for a fun evening out should consider The Palmetto Crescent Parlour. This family-friendly show (minimum age 10) is unlike anything else in Charleston. Each performance lasts 75 minutes with a reception of light snacks and non-alcoholic beverages beginning 15 minutes prior. Group packages and private events are available. Purchase tickets online or by calling 855-285-6463. Limited seating; advance tickets recomended.
49 Archdale St, Suite 1F, across from Le Farfalle and In the Kitchen with Chef Bob Waggoner.
By Robin Gibson
Fill with mingled cream and amber, -- Edgar Allen Poe
The best minds in the culinary and beverage industry came together for a learning and networking opportunity filled with tastings, parties, book signings, takeovers, and a finale at The Windjammer on Isle of Palms. Edgar Allen Poe would have found inspiration among the spirits, wine, beer, and mixers -- as well as experts -- on hand for this multi-day event. Hosted by Hyatt Place in historic downtown Charleston, guests attended learning sessions and tastings in Sterling Hall, bar takeovers along King and Bay Streets, educational excursions, book signings, and various off-site parties including the aforementioned Grand Celebration at The Windjammer. Travel + Leisure's World's Best City is a natural choice given its reputation as a top food destination as recognized in "The 10 best food cities in America, ranked" by The Washington Post's James Beard Foundation award-winning Food Critic Tom Sietsema. Proceeds from this year's conference are slated to benefit various food and beverage-related charities.
The scene above from Tuesday's Spring/Summer Tasting with bites provided by Food for the Southern Soul and The Park Cafe
Above images capturing only part of this year's successful BevCon Charleston
Were you there? Let us know. We'd love to hear all about your experience from this year's BevCon Charleston. Are you a member of the local F&B industry? What's your take on what's happening here in Charleston? At Christmas, tea is compulsory. Relatives are optional. -- Robert Godden Did he mean Egg Nog? Cheers!
March 2019