By Robin Gibson The life of man is of no greater importance to the universe than that of an oyster. -- David Hume Scottish philosopher David Hume was right when it comes to the oyster's popularity in the Lowcountry. Winter brings with it the time-honored tradition of communal gatherings centered around the shellfish known as The Oyster Roast. This ritual is as iconic to the region as the smell of pluff mud is to our noses. And for the 34th year, the Granddaddy of them all, the Lowcountry Oyster Festival sponsored by the Greater Charleston Restaurant Association took place January 27, 2017, at Boone Hall Plantation. From the tailgating atmosphere to the dedicated shell recycling, these pictures tell the story of an ardent love affair and obsession with the all-important oyster. Shell recycling is an important part of the oyster's life cycle. The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources manages a shell recycling program whereby shells are reintroduced to salt water to improve the natural habitat. To learn more about the program and its environmental benefits, visit their website.
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By Robin Gibson The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper. -- William Butler Yeats Kellar O'Neil, aka "The Southern Charmer" and "Mystifier of the Finest Affairs", is a magician and storyteller who has perfected the art of illusion with a devilish grin. Recently, he invited us to check out his show at The Palmetto Crescent Parlour, and we were delighted to take him up on the offer. Tucked away in a corner of Charleston, he performs in an intimate setting thus ensuring audience engagement. Our pictures offer a glimpse of the evening, and what one can expect from a magical night on the town. Folks looking for a fun evening out should consider The Palmetto Crescent Parlour. This family-friendly show (minimum age 10) is unlike anything else in Charleston. Each performance lasts 75 minutes with a reception of light snacks and non-alcoholic beverages beginning 15 minutes prior. Group packages and private events are available. Purchase tickets online or by calling 855-285-6463. Limited seating; advance tickets recomended.
49 Archdale St, Suite 1F, across from Le Farfalle and In the Kitchen with Chef Bob Waggoner. For what avail the plough or sail, or land or life, if freedom fail? -- Ralph Waldo Emerson Options abound to soak up the beauty of life and freedom in the Lowcountry this weekend. Our beaches and harbor offer stunning backdrops for fireworks displays throughout the holiday. Making plans? Check out these offerings. And don't forget to look up. The sky will be amazing. |
March 2019